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The Stories of Patriots of the USA

Stories of Patriots of the USA

American Patriot Stories gathers, archives and publishes The Stories of Patriots of the USA.

We are adopting the use of the word "patriots" for use in our organization to be that of the initial, historical sense.

patriot is defined as

"a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors."

The historic use of the word patriot in the USA refers back to the days of the revolutionary war, when following the Declaration of Independence, those that were patriots (not necessarily trained in warfare), would be putting their lives on the line in defense of the newly formed republic.

Our Definition of a Patriot

Those that were or are in some military uniform, representing the U.S.A. and therefore recognized as a potential, military target of an enemy power.

If you do not fit our definition above, but you still are one that "supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors", we are going to say that you are a patriotic voice instead.

This is not intended to lessen our appreciation for you devotion, but to ensure that we give special honor to those patriots who are most likely to be in harm's way as a result of their "official" service of the United States of America.

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