
Questions and Answers

This page provides answers to questions that have been asked by visitors to our website.

Tap on any question below to reveal it's answer.  Tap again to collapse.
If you do not see your question asked and answered belowTAP HERE to ask it now.

What do you hope to accomplish from this endeavor?

We want to provide encouragement for patriotic Americans by providing them with a reliable platform so their VOICES can be heard.

We also want to provide a place for patriots to share theirs and other's STORIESso they can be made available for others to read.

What is the difference between a Voice and a Story?

The difference is this:

  • a VOICE is your own testimony of why you love America.
  • a STORY is about an event in the life of someone that has served in the armed forces of the USA

I am considering donating. Is my donation tax deductible?

Sorry. It is not.

This endeavor is NOT a not for profit organization.

It is owned and operated as a service of Bigfoot.Marketing in Port Angeles, Washington.

How are you politically affiliated?

This has become such a divisive thing that I hate to have to answer it.

Let me say it this way:

  • I am a citizen of the greatest Western nation on the earth.
  • I love America.
  • I love and appreciate the people that have served in our nation's armed forces.
  • I am a patriot.
  • I'm a conservative.
  • I hope that doesn't make you hate me.

I don't identify with any particular party anymore, though I have in my past been a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian and an Independent.

  • No political party faithfully represents my current positions.

It would be nice if simply being a patriotic American were adequate, but it seems those days are gone.  Perhaps not, but civility with those whom we disagree is often missing.

We're all Americans.

Let's love and encourage one another here regardless of party affiliation.

I really like what you are doing. How can I help you promote this project?

We've got a page that we've created to answer this question.

What Else Could I Do?

If you like what we're doing here, take a moment and provide feedback here.  That will help as well.

I would like to help you. What can I do to help?

As of this timestamp here: 10/26/2019 at 2:38:04 PM, I have just added this question, so you can see how new this whole thing is.

What is needed more than anything else is your participation in our core activities.

Anticipated Need: Video Interviewers for the Youtube Channel

I really want to have a growing Youtube Channel for this project, and I know that I'm going to have a challenge with this.

I have to run my company, which requires most of my time.

The problem is, since we are not CHARGING people to post their videos, I don't currently have a way of paying people for their time and talent in this regard.

If you would like to share some help in this regard, I'd love to hear from you.

Are you hiring help for this project?

If you are someone that can add value to this program and generate revenue for it, I would be happy to generously share that with you as a private contractor.

  • Hiring employees is not on the docket at this time.

At this point, this is a personal project that is only costing me money, and I'm not wealthy.

This page provides answers to questions that have been asked by visitors to our website.
If you do not see your question asked and answered above, TAP HERE to ask it now.

Questions and Answers

#americanpatriotstories #patriotism #patriotic #america #proudamerican

© Copyright Notice

All patriot stories and patriotic voices on this site are copyrighted by their respective authors and American Patriot Stories.

You must receive written consent from the in author to republish them.

Tap here to inquire.



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