
An Archive of the Stories of Patriots and the Voices of the Patriotic

An Archive of the Stories of Patriots and the Voices of the Patriotic

American Patriot Stories provides An Archive of the Stories of Patriots and the Voices of the Patriotic.

What is the Difference?

A patriot is defined as "a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors."

We Appreciate ALL Patriots

The most basic requirement of being a patriot is to "vigorously support their country", so military service is not required to be a true patriot.

The second element of being a patriot is "defending it against enemies or detractors."

Why, then we are making a distinction?

At American Patriot Stories, we are reserving the use of the word "patriot" to mean someone that has provided service in uniform for the U.S.A.

Those of us that are also patriots, but have not provided this sacrificial service have a deep and profound appreciation for those that have served in uniform, and especially those that have been potentially in harm's way as a result of their devotion to our nation.


American Patriot Stories gathers, archives and publishes The Stories of Patriots of the USA.

We are adopting the use of the word "patriots" for use in our organization to be that of the initial, historical sense.


At American Patriot Stories, we provide an outlet for lovers of America to share their reasons for being patriotic. 

You can be a patriot in the sense of being patriotic regardless of whether or not you have served or are currently serving the U.S.A. in some "official" sense.

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All patriot stories and patriotic voices on this site are copyrighted by their respective authors and American Patriot Stories.

You must receive written consent from the in author to republish them.

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